Polaris Blue takes a strategic approach to our clients businesses and projects, based on an economic imperative. We believe in applying a “culture of business reason” to all of the elements and components that we incorporate into any web system and/or business tool that we build for our clients. i.e. whatever we undertake and develop for our clients needs to achieve a specific business-based result, in a measurable and accountable framework.

In order to understand exactly what is required for each particular client, we need to engage in a consulting function with them in order to truly consider and comprehend their business.
- From brochure websites to complex database projects, all development must fit into the established structure of the current business.
- The strategic consulting often takes the form of an open a “business workshop” as well as the application of some proprietary strategic assessment tools, developed over the last few years and which are designed to quickly identify any perceptual, brand and/or operational gaps within an organization.
- Once this consulting function has been completed, we may provide a report on our findings to the client and discuss with him/her the reasons (and recommendations) that we have developed for the particular strategic direction that we are suggesting.