We are able to integrate a whole range of e-Commerce applications and business models into the system, dependant on the kind of business process that our clients wish to utilize for themselves in terms of online payments.

Easy to use
Offers a range of e-Commerce products and services to enable easy-to-use.

Secure and reliable
Secure and reliable purchasing transactions over the web, known as eCommerce transactions.

Global Automated Sales
offer your products to the world and automate your sales process
- By incorporating our e-Commerce solutions into your website, your customers can pay with their credit card or debit account directly into your bank account without interacting with sales staff or telephone operators.
- In order to support the infrastructure whereby a business can accept eCommerce transactions, a web system has to “talk to”a third-party transaction facilitation tool called a Payment Gateway. Polaris Blue has done extensive research into the market and has assessed the different Payment Gateway applications available. We can thus recommend the solution and system that will best meet the client’s needs.
- We have developed partnership alliances with a number of Payment Gateway providers and so we are well-versed in the requirements that each one has for client engagements. This will be a process that we will handle completely (if required) and will only require that our clients have the relevant arrangements set up with their specific banks and meeting the merchant account requirements of the country in which they operate.

In order to protect our clients, we typically set up our clients’s eCommerce infrastructures, and utilize and recommend a Payment Gateway system, which allows for the following:
- Either the upfront purchase of transaction blocks for a fixed fee (e.g. 2500 transactions per year) or a monthly fee with unlimited transactions, which ensures that site owners know exactly how much their e-Commerce structure will cost them. Other systems work on a a “pay-as-you-go” principle, which give greater possibility for higher “per transaction” costs but less wastage if all the included transactions are not used in a year.
- We use Payment gateway systems that process transactions through the banks in real time, so you know immediately whether your customer has sufficient funds for their transaction, eliminating bad debts. Plus merchants have access to refunds, reversals, and pre-authorization of funds– all in real time, and at no extra cost.
- As most of our solutions run from our clients’ Web Server, PC, or telephone, there is no need to pay for and look after the bank’s transaction hardware.
- We like to ensure that the previous day’s transactions are reported to our clients every morning, in a fully customizable report. This report can then be imported into most off-the-shelf accounting and spreadsheet packages and included in their business reports.
- Our selected Payment Gateway systems have a range of merchant facilities available, including transaction reporting and searching, performing refunds and reversals of payments, downloading the latest software and documents, and configuring business details
- For Phase 1 of a web system development, until a company is comfortable and confident with the process of e-Business, we would recommend using a relatively simple online product catalogue and shopping cart facility, in order to effect online transactions. This may then be scaled up in future development phases to allow for and integrate more complex Supply-Chain Management systems and functionality as well as any other e-Business function that is required.
- It is important to note that we always try to build and integrate the base infrastructure of the most high-end, yet affordable, e-Business applications (possibly some open source technology) into our clients site structures, where required. This allows us to build an initial technology framework that will lend itself to the more complex web development requirements down the line, without having to reverse-engineer the site build, as this can be a very expensive exercise.
Please Note:
We are happy to use any system/business process/payment gateway that the client prefers. Payment Gateway systems only represents one portion of the e-Commerce solution i.e. that element that links your website with the banks to accept and process online credit card transactions and/or other payments, if required.
We are happy to use any system/business process/payment gateway that the client prefers. Payment Gateway systems only represents one portion of the e-Commerce solution i.e. that element that links your website with the banks to accept and process online credit card transactions and/or other payments, if required.
Polaris Blue is able to provide all aspects of eCommerce development, in a turnkey and integrated framework and structure.