Polaris Blue operates on a 5-phase process, namely:

Planning Phase
This includes all of the precursor work required to understand the client requirements in order to brief the project into our development teams. Typically, we utilise the following planning process:

1. Initial client contact and baseline investigation.

2. Strategic project planning and proposal.

3. Submission of project proposal, timing plan and Cost Estimate document to client.

4. Upon approval of the above, creation of a functional specification document (non-technical) with a separate technical specification document, if required (dependant on the complexity of the project).

5. Workshops with client to achieve agreement on, and thus refine, the baseline planning and/or functional specification document.

Design Phase
The design phase is divided into 3 distinct stages:

1. Design Concept
This is the establishment of the overall look-and-feel for the site, as well as the first integration of the company brand into the base site structure. This would be expressed in the form of 2-3 design styles, from which the client would choose one.

2. Design Development
This stage would develop the approved base design concept and incorporate the next round of design adjustments. This would also chart the sitemap links and functions on the actual site design.

3. Design Refinement
The design refinement stage would complete the web front-end design and, from here,the site would be able to simply and seamlessly integrate with all of the technology features and functions to be incorporated into the site on the backend.

Functional IT Development Phase
This includes the build and development of all back-end features and functionality to be incorporated into the web system, according to the following development process:

1. Production of functional aspects and environment

2. Planning of complete site and system usability framework

3. Production of system interface pages

4. Prototype build with fully operating interface and functional aspects

5. Prototype presentation

6. Prototype approval

Testing, Training and Make-Ready Phase
Once the web system has been completely built and is a state of market readiness, the final phase (prior to launch) is comprised of:

1. System testing by developers, clients and test users to ensure its scalability, stress-test levels and robustness

2. Training of system users, if required

3. Finalising of system hosting, system registration and software licensing

Final System Approval and “Go-Live”
This phase indicates that the web system is ready for launch into the open web environment and it is recommended that this be performed in concert with a wider marketing and promotional campaign. The launch process may be outlined as follows:

1. Final system and internal user checks

2. Final system approval

3. System Launch
Please speak with us if this is a function that you would like to discuss. We are more than happy to assist in this regard.